Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, judge in respect of Greece, elected President of the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights has elected on 1.April 2019 Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos (Greek) as its new President. He will take office on 5 th May 2019. Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos succeeds Guido Raimondi (Italy).  
Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos was born on 9 May 1960 in Athens, Greece. He is Judge of the European Court of Human Rights since 18 May 2011 He was elected as President of Section of the European Court of Human Rights since 1 February 2017 and Vice-President of the Court since 1 May 2017 . Mr Sicilianos is also author of five monographs, editor or co-editor of 14 books and author of about 100 articles and studies in general international law and the international protection of human rights, in French, English and Greek.
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