Legal Officer's position in the International Labour Organization
ILO - International Labour Organization, based in Geneva, Switzerland seeks to recruit a Legal Officer. The Off ice of the Legal Adviser/Office of Legal Services (JUR) provides a wide range of legal services to the International Labour Organization and its various organs (in particular the Office, the International Labour Conference and the Governing Body of the ILO). The work is carried out by a small, dedicated team at ILO headquarters. The unit reports directly to the Director-General. It is responsible for furthering and defending the legal interests of the Organization. The Development Cooperation position of Legal Officer will report to the Legal Adviser. This position will provide the Office of the Legal Adviser with the necessary capacity to provide legal support for the increasing development cooperation demand from headquarters and field units of the ILO. The position will better enable JUR to respond in a sound and timely manner to the demands placed upon it. Educati