First female Registrar in the history of the ECHR: Swearing-in ceremony

Marialena Tsirli, first female Registrar in the history of the European Court of Human Rights, elected on 7 September 2020 for a five-year term of office, was sworn in on 30 November 2020.

Article 17 of the Rules of Court governs the Registrar’s functions. The Registrar has overall responsibility for both the administrative and the judicial activities of the Registry under the authority of the President of the Court.

Marialena Tsirli succeeded Roderick Liddell, who has been Registrar of the Court since 1 December 2015.

A Greek national, born in 1967 in Thessaloniki, Marialena Tsirli studied law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a master’s degree and a doctorate from the Robert Schuman University of Strasbourg. She was legal officer (1994-1998) in the Secretariat of the former European Commission of Human Rights. Within the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, she served successively as legal officer (1998-2004), Head of Division (2004-2010), Deputy Section Registrar (2010-2016) and Section Registrar (2016-2019) before taking up her present post of Deputy Registrar of the Court.

Video from Swearing-in ceremony is available here



George Kazoleas, Lawyer

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