Yemen, Syria & Afghanistan: Case Studies in International Law, Peace, Justice, and Sanctions in Armed Conflict

The event will be taking place on Tuesday June 27th from 1400 until 1800 BST. It is a jointly hosted programme of the War Crimes Comittee with King’s College War Studies War Crimes Research Group.

An important event to hear from prominent former government officials, activists, and experts from Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria, as well as lawyers engaged in peace and accountability efforts as we examine the conflicts in Yemen, Syria, and Afghanistan from two perspectives. The first panel will address the pending issues of alleged violations of international humanitarian law and war crimes in the conflicts, the impact on peace negotiations, and what accountability will look like in these countries. The second panel will examine the role of sanctions and terrorist designations in conflicts, both international (UN) and unilateral/regional (US/UK/EU), and the repercussions on the peace process or subsequent rebuilding and reconciliation post-conflict. (photo:

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George Kazoleas, Lawyer

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