More than a third of ECHR's judgments since its establishment concerned Turkey, Russia & Italy

The document "The ECHR in facts and figures 2020" has been published on the Court’s website. Αccording to the report, approximately 62,000 applications were pending before a judicial formation of ECHR at 31 December 2020. Neerly a quarter of these applications had been lodged against the Russian Federation. The number of applications allocated to a judicial formation in 2020 exceeded the number disposed of judicially during the year.

Almost half the judgments concerned 3 of the 47 member States, namely the Russian Federation (185), Turkey (97) and Ukraine (86). Nearly a quarter of all the judgments delivered by the Court concerned the Russian Federation. Of the total number of judgments delivered in 2020, the Court found at least one violation of the Convention by the respondent State in 87% of the cases.

Since the Court was established in 1959, the Court has delivered 23,406 judgments. More than a third of them have concerned 3 member States: Turkey (3,742), the Russian Federation (2,884) and Italy (2,427).

In 2020 the Court delivered 871 judgments concerning 1,901 applications. In 2020 the Court completed its examination of a total of 39,190 applications with a judgment or decision or by striking the case out of the list.

In the judgments delivered by the Court in 2020, nearly a quarter of the violations concerned Article 6 (right to a fair hearing), whether on account of the fairness or the length of the proceedings. In addition, more than 20% of the violations found concerned serious breaches of the Convention, namely the right to life or the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment (Articles 2 and 3).

The document is available here


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