Rule of Law: EU law does not require that professional associations of judges are granted the right to challenge decisions relating to the appointment of prosecutors

According to the Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-53/23 (Asociaţia “Forumul Judecătorilor din România”(8.5.2024) EU law does not require that professional associations of judges are granted the right to challenge decisions relating to the appointment of prosecutors. A Romanian professional association of judges challenges the appointment of certain prosecutors responsible for conducting investigations concerning cases of corruption in Romania. They consider that the national legislation on which those appointments are based is incompatible with EU law and should not be applied. Hearing that case, the Court of Appeal of Pitești (Romania) asks the Court of Justice whether the Romanian procedural rules, which, in essence, prevent associations of judges from bringing an action against the appointment of those prosecutors, since those rules make the admissibility of such an action subject to the existence of a legitimate private interest, comply with EU law. The Romanian c...