Seeking justice in multi-jurisdictional fraud, creditors must be prepared for the long haul -By Chris Iacovides and Andri Antoniou- joint Liquidators

Coronavirus as force majeure event - The impact on contracts (by George Kazoleas, Lawyer LLM)

New Insolvency Measures Introduced by the British Government Bring Relief to UK Companies and their Directors (by Chris Iakovides & Andri Antoniou)

E-Trials & Virtual Courtrooms: A possible solution to Court Lockdown (by Anastasios Tsanakas, lawyer)

Registration of a Company of Foreign Interests in Cyprus and employment of third country nationals (by Maria Rousia, Lawyer)

The Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive and the new Regulation on Virtual Currencies (by Soulla Dionysiou, Lawyer)

Unfair and illegal terms of loan agreements used by banks (By George Kazoleas, Lawyer)

Early repayment of the loan: Borrower's right to reduction in the total cost of the credit and bank's compensation right / by George Kazoleas, Lawyer

Conversion of CHF mortgage loans within the EU is a fact. At what cost though? / by Paris Hadjipanayis- Lawyer

Virtual Law Firms VS Traditional Law Firms: Let’s Hear From the Virtual PROs, by Adam Global 

The Law Firms of the Future, by Adam Global

Swiss franc loans and borrowers’ rights in the light of 4 important judgments of the European Court of Justice, by George Kazoleas, Lawyer

How Brexit will affect UK trademarks’ use in the EU, By Paris Hadjipanayis , Lawyer

A revolutionary decision for crypto fans has emerged by the Berlin Court of appeals (by Soulla Dionysiou, Lawyer)

Extraterritorial Scope of GDPR: The effects of the Regulation on non-EU businesses - Ioanna Michalopoulou, Lawyer LLM


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George Kazoleas, Lawyer

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